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I interviewed Henry Ahlfeld and I really enjoyed interviewing him. I started off not know him very well, but by the end and asking so many questions, I know a lot about him. I worked on asking more questions based off of answers and letting the interviewee continue to talk. I also worked on my editing, and while my b-roll is a bit sloppy, I really liked the placement of the camera and how Henry looks in the shot. I was happy with this because I worked on color correcting and tightened up and refreshed my editing skills. I also wish I had waited for a couple cars to pass before I let Henry speak. It is distracting lowers the quality of the interview. 

I was interviewed in this video. One thing I thought I did well was answer questions in length, but along with that, I wish I didn't stutter with my words. It was cut out but when we originally filmed, I stuttered a lot and had to do a couple re-takes. I liked this interview a lot because Henry and I don't know each other very well, so it was easy for him to come up with questions as well as easy for me to answer as all the information I was giving him was new. It was very easy to remain focused on him as I was speaking because it almost felt like a conversation. I really liked how Henry displayed my love of lacrosse and the school I am interested in. 

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