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Story Board

My story board shows my main character, Blake, entering his home. In scene two, it gives context that he is coming home by his actions of placing his backpack on the ground. He then turns and sees the note. In cut 3, it is a close up over his shoulder of him reading the message. Then it cuts to him reading it with a close up of his eyes. Then it returns to a wide shot of him placing the note back down and turning to leave. 


My Pre Production was a very quick decision to go to my house after school to shoot Blake and I's films. Johnny and Blake were my two actors. For planning I had to make sure I fed my actors. I also had to clean the space I was using along with make sure my props were working properly. I had to figure out the lighting as well because the natural light kept changing. I wish I had had more time to have the lights set perfectly. 

Post Production and Editing

I had a really difficult time editing this because I only had 45 minutes to edit due to other obligations. I am very happy with how it turned out for the amount of time I had to work on it. I used sound effects and suspenseful music which was new for me. If I could go back and fix one thing, it would be to have consistent lighting. I really liked my cuts in the beginning and how easily they meshed together. 

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