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I Directed Friends this past week. Blake was the DP, Egan and Johnny worked with the lights and Daniel acted along with editing the video. 

I did a lot of Pre-Production to plan this. I started off by taking a screenshot of the video every time the camera changed. I printed the pictures and then developed my crew. I then developed my cast and things were on their way. I then got props and logistics figured out of when, what we need, and who will be there. I then asked Mr.Muench if he could come in to open doors and elevators. At the end of all of this, I probably spent at least 5 hour of pre production planning and I am very happy with how things have turned out so far.


I was really lucky that my shoot took 2 and a half hours. I think my pre-production helped me plan for everything and allowed everything to run as smoothly as it did. 


At the moment we are in the editing stage and should have it done by the end of the week. The graphics at the moment look great and the clips are very solid. 

This was the first time I had fully directed something and I really enjoyed it. I now know what I have to work on for next time and I am really proud of what I have done so far. 


Some of the things I would change is to work with the actors more and to make sure they stay engaged. I also wish I had worked with them more with dances, otherwise I think it went very well. 


Next time I direct I want to make sure I continue to feed my actors as I know they very much appreciated it. 

Excuse the







Excuse the



I am only reviewing up until 4:12 minutes of this scene.

The first thing I notice about this scene is all of the locations it takes place in. There are pathways, road, homes, backyards. They all have to look similar enough to seem like they are taking place near each other. Although I am unsure in how many locations they shot in, they needed about a dozen or so different locations to film this race. They needed the perfect house for Ferris to run through which you can visibly see him running through and out the back door.



There are multiple “stunts” in this scene: climbing over a fence, almost hitting a car, and jumping off a trampoline.There must be a stunt double or they need to teach the actor which requires more people to help train and costs more money. There also needs to be someone driving the car so it doesn’t actually hit the actor.


Camera angles are huge because this consists of a car chase and ferris running so they are all action shots.The other type of shot is from the car looking inwards. They are all either very close up or medium/wide shots.



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Sound effect of footsteps, the cars, and other noises help add effect to the “race home” scene.  As well as sound effects, the music is upbeat and makes sense for a chase, without being aggressive.


Something that I noticed was a semi neutral color tone. This consists of white, tan, blush pink and dull greens. Along with color a key point of this ( no pun intended) was that it looked like when Ferris pulled up the mat to look for they key and it was not there, that the shape of they key insinuating that it had been there for a long period of time helped the viewer gain context when nothing was directly said.


The lighting seemed consistent as it was day time and Ferris was running outside. 

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